Sunday, May 3, 2009

Are You Looking for the Fastest Way to Lose Weight?

The quest to lose weight is not a bed of roses. Like all other endeavors, it has its own bumps along the way. The problem is that people don’t have the patience to traverse that road any longer. They want it all done in an instant. They want the fastest way to lose weight. But is there such a thing as instant weight reduction? There is, and let me tell you how:

Consume more good fat.

There are good fats, and there are bad fats. Bad fat comes from saturated fat and other genetically-modified substances, while the good fat is mostly found in natural food like meat and cheese. The fastest way to lose weight is to look at the nutritional value found at the back of food stuff. If you see anything “saturated” on the labels, then move along. Wise shoppers are healthier.

Eat more protein.

When we were kids, our parents always told us to eat protein since it helps us grow taller. Protein, likewise, is great for the weight-watchers since this has been proven to burn off fats faster.

A daily consumption of protein helps you by repairing body tissue and is the fastest way to lose weight. You can pick from a appetizing array of meats for your protein fill. You can stick with chicken, turkey, or fish. Go with white meat since it is considered less-fattening than red meat.

Water for weight loss.

Did you know that cold water burns 62 calories a day? It definitely is worth knowing that water is not just your ordinary thirst quencher. It has miraculous properties beneficial for someone who wants to lose weight.

Water is found as a natural appetite suppressant. You can go on just drinking lots of water without feeling hungry. Down more water to achieve the fastest way to lose weight.

Eat 5 to 6 meals a day.

The fastest way to lose weight is not to starve, but to eat more. The emphasis is on 5 to 6 small meals a day. To calculate, divide 1500 calories by six times, which amounts to 250 calories per meal. This is where the leaner foods come in. For a more satisfying meal, go for a protein-based meal since it lasts longer.

Get a fitness buddy.

What goes through the mind of a weight-watcher? What are the dynamics of your food intake? Getting a fitness buddy allows you to vent those pent-up emotions which are most often subsided by eating. You can confide in someone, so that they will understand what you’re going through. This tactic helps you transfer your cravings from food to meaningful conversation. You will feel like someone understands you and accepts you and vice versa. You will gain a friend while working on the fastest way to lose weight.

Being consistent with these steps is crucial to success. Things won’t happen in an instant, but they will happen sooner than you think. Shape up so that you can wear that sexy dress and turn heads wherever you go.

Click here now to see How To Lose Weight In A Week!

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